COVID-19 Site Visitor Procedure.
11th June 2020
The health and safety of Prism UK Medical staff and any visitors is our priority. The current COVID-19 situation means that we have to be even more vigilant. This procedure sets out the requirements needed by sites to receive visitors. It also details the steps needed to be taken by visitors before and during their visit to our site.
Site Requirements
All Prism UK Medical sites must have a designated area for receiving visitors on site.
The area needs:
- To be separate from normal work offices and areas
- To have a supply of PPE available (gloves & surgical masks)
- To have hand sanitiser available in the area
- To have a supply of blank PMUKF101 – Visitor Assessment forms
- A folder for storing the completed forms
- A rubbish bin containing a bin bag
The host will send out the visitor assessment form (PMUKF-101) and ask the visitor to complete and return the form 48-24hours before the proposed visit. The host will also confirm the PPE requirements for the visit, for a normal visitor attending a meeting etc. this will be surgical mask and gloves.
The host will store the completed form in the folder in the designated area.
If work is being carried out during the visit, then an up to date risk assessment and method statement must be supplied to your host prior to the visit and these must detail actions to protect yourself and any staff members form the spread of COVID-19 and also detail any further PPE which may be needed.
The host will sign the visitor in and issue them with a visitors pass as normal practice and then the visitor will be shown to the designated area and asked to complete the “Day of visit” section of the visitor assessment form (PMUKF-101). Once completed the host will confirm the answers have not changed and store the form in the file, (If the answers have changed the host will request that the visitor leaves site immediately. Any surfaces the visitor has touched are to be cleaned). The host will then confirm the company’s guidelines for keeping a 2m distance whilst the visitor is onsite. The visitor will then be asked to sanitise their hands before putting on their PPE.
During the Visit
Visitors are to be accompanied by a staff member at all times whilst on site and follow site safety precautions, one way systems etc. All PPE is to be worn for the entirety of the visit.
End of visit
The visitor will be escorted back to the designated area where they will remove their gloves and place them into the rubbish bin. They will then remove their mask and place this in the rubbish bin, again the visitor will need to sanitise their hands. The host will sign the visitor out and receive their visitors pass back, the visitor must now leave site.
The host will remove the waste bag from the bin and tie a knot in it and dispose of the bag in general waste, once this is done the host should sanitise or wash their hands and return to work.
Any problems or concerns please contact your site manager
[PMUKP-CV19VIS Issue 1 11/06/20]